Fundraising for Santa Monastery’s New Facility
After a year’s research, the Board of Directors of Santa Monastery has decided to purchase a residence near the city of Denver in late 2020. This residence will be the home of the monastery where Acariya Kaiyin would stay to do research in Buddhist scriptures, conduct self-retreat, and promote Buddhist educational courses. The facility will include a meditation space, an office, a reception cum tea room, a kitchen and monastic dormitories. Future plans include building small retreat cabins for seasoned practitioners.
Please help us reach this goal! Your generosity goes in the long way!
* 捐贈時,請填寫以下基本信息,方便我們與您確認善款收訖情況及提供收據等。
Mail to: PO Box 630383,Littleton, CO, 80163 USA
- You can also set up monthly Automatic Payments at your bank or in your payroll.
- Account Name: Santa Monastery
- Account Number: 660372835
- Routing Number: 022300173
Please kindly provide your name, address and the amount of donation.
Text or WhatsApp: +1 (516) 207-9717
Making your contribution a monthly donation by clicking the PayPal button first, then right under where you input the amount, the box saying ‘Make this a monthly donation’.
- Add a recipient
Choose Add a recipient - Follow the instruction and input Santa Monastery’s
email( cell #(516)
207-9717 - Input the donation amount.
- Repeating payment
For recurring donation, please click Repeating payment
Please kindly provide your name, address and the amount of donation.
Text or WhatsApp: +1 (516) 207-9717
- Payee Add a Payee
- You may need part or all of the following information:
Account Number: 660372835
Account Name: Santa Monastery
Bank Name:Chase Bank
Payee Address: 12362 CHATEAU CREEK CT, PARKER CO 80134-3420
Phone number: +1 (516) 207-9717
Please kindly provide your name, address and the amount of donation.
Text or WhatsApp: +1 (516) 207-9717
- Account Name: Santa Monastery
- Account Address: 12362 CHATEAU CREEK CT, PARKER CO 80134-3420
- Bank Account: 660372835
- Bank: Chase Bank
- Bank Address: 31 State St, Pittsford, NY 14534
- Routing Number: 022300173
Please kindly provide your name, address and the amount of donation.
Text or WhatsApp: +1 (516) 207-9717
Offshore Bank Accounts
WhatsApp(Santa Monastery):+1 (516) 207-9717
*The equivalent of 30 USD is 120 MYR.
*The equivalent of 30 USD is 200 CNY.
Account Number for TWD: 121004528922
Account Number for Foreign Currency:121007071163
Account Name:Lee, Yu-Ling* The equivalent of 30 USD is 945 TWD.
* This account only accepts donations less than 50,000 TWD (or equivalent foreign currency). Please wire large donations directly to Santa Monastery’s US account. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us