2019年12月21日(六)至28日(六)美國寂靜禪舍開印阿闍梨應馬來西亞霹靂州太平佛教會之邀指導七天的慈悲禪修課程。 繼續閱讀▸ “馬來西亞太平「慈悲禪七」報導”
檳城「念處軒」弘法活動 Dhamma Activities in Nianchu Xuan in Penang
隨喜讚嘆Upekkha及家人請法、組織活動、及促成弘法因緣。Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!
On Dec.17th, 2019, Acariya was invited to Nianchu Xuan in Penang, Malaysia, for a series of Dhamma activities. In the daytime, Acariya and other Sangha members accepted a meal offering from the household of Nianchu Xuan, Upekkha and her family. In the afternoon Acariya conducted a Water Purification Ceremony for the Buddha’s statue and the niche, and also presided over the ceremony of Taking the Three Refuges and Five Precepts for Upekhha’s older sibling and nephew.
At night, the cozy house has been stuffed with nearly 60 people, coming for the night’s Dhamma talk on “Understanding the Truth about Sufferings, and Be Happy”. Drawing references from the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, Acariya expounded on how to understand sufferings and to develop rightful insight into the nature of sufferings to help us achieve enlightenment.Well Done to Upekkha and her family, for requesting the teaching, organizing the activities and facilitating the promotion of Dhamma.
文/圖/英譯 Text/Photo/Translation:Sacca
網絡用語巧解枯燥難懂的巴利文複合詞 Explaining the Dry Pali Compounds Using Internet Slang
Mind-blowing !聽完忍不住「喜大普奔」😄
In last night‘s Dhamma exchange with friends in Penang, one asked about the literature languages in Buddhist studies. Acariya explained the compound words using the popular internet slang in Mainland China – Incomprehensibly Terrific (不明覺厲), which is the short way of saying What You Said is Incomprehensible to me, but It Sounds Terrific. Acariya continued, the full expression is wordy so it was shortened to Incomprehensibly Terrific. That is like how compound is made.
😄 What a mind-blowing way to turn a piece of dry knowledge to something juicy!
文/圖/英譯 Text/Photo/Translation:Sacca
Richmond城是維吉尼亞州的首府,開山寮道場落於Richmond城外寧靜的一個小城中,住民多半是以務農為主。當地有許多佛教信徒,每個週末都有固定的聚會,研討佛法,切磋琢磨,再加上開山寮道場地理形勢,又寬擴,又方便,不時都會舉行禪修法會。 繼續閱讀▸ “開印阿闍梨弗吉尼亞弘法行”
20190902 西雅圖「身念住」禪一圓滿,這次我們最小的學員才七歲半。
We had a wonderful one day retreat on the Mindfulness of the Body in Seattle, and also an amazing and diligent young student, Siya, who’s only seven and half year old.
禪舍的茶罐架 Santa Monastery’s Tea Jar Shelf
Santa Monastery has recently made a tea jar shelf completely from recycled cardboards. Waste was reduced and one useful thing was made.
步驟 How-to:
1. 剪切所需的形狀和尺寸 Cutting out the desired shape and size;
2. 製作加固的擱板 Making the reinforced shelves;
3. 用回收的已起皺的家具包裝紙包好所有的部件 Wrapping all pieces with recycled and already corrugated furniture wrapping paper;
4. 安裝支撐部件 Adding supporting elements;
5. 組裝 Assembling.
不要把所有的受都歸結給「業」 ——《悉瓦卡經》學習心得
「不要把所有的受都歸結給‘業’,苦有八個原因,否則就是用‘ 業力’一詞替換了‘上帝’一詞,是錯誤的見解。」—— 共修第一堂課就給了我極大的驚喜,驚的是邪見在我們身邊無處不在,我們稍不 留意,就會被帶偏而不自知;喜的是有幸得聞阿闍梨對佛法原始經典的解讀,讓我們能夠正見增上。 繼續閱讀▸ “不要把所有的受都歸結給「業」 ——《悉瓦卡經》學習心得”
2019年1月27日,在農曆新年即將到來之際,阿闍梨應時,從《吉祥經》中抽取七個偈頌為大家開示《獲得幸福的密碼 —— 吉祥經》。活動假西雅圖樂敘之家的文化館舉行,有大約十幾位佛友參加。
文:釋禪真 / 圖:釋禪真、靜洵
《吉祥經》北傳唱誦版 (阿闍梨譯)