
文 | 圖:張夢陽


2021年12月11日 凌晨,美國寂靜禪舍僧衆一路南下,驅車前往位於美國新墨西哥州(New Mexico) 的陶斯城(Taos) 。此次行程是爲了拜訪位於新墨西哥州的美國法雲寺 ( Fa Yun Monastery)以及恰好在陶斯城The Mountain Hermitage禪修中心結束了禪修課程的捷克籍性空長老。考慮到寺院隱於深林,冬日山路積雪,買菜不便,禪舍僧衆亦帶去了一些當地不買到的亞洲菜及丹佛居士製作的包子等供養住衆。

2000年5月美國法雲禪學院院妙境長老曾蒞臨沙巴作獅子吼轉正法輪。 當時開印阿闍黎有幸與長老三天三夜,長談聖法。此次終於有機緣能夠親自拜訪,著實令人心喜。

當日下午2點半僧衆及義工抵達美國法雲寺( Fa Yun Monastery) 男衆部。法云寺住持如觀法師帶領住眾法師在大殿歡迎了禪舍僧衆一行。禮佛之後,大衆前往玅鏡長老紀念室頂禮長老的牌位。開印阿闍黎在如觀主持的引領下向長老牌位上香。緊鄰紀念室的是長老生前所用之書房。書房陳設佈局等依然維持舊貌,特別引人注意的是,書房藏書種類豐富,令好樂法寶的人「流連忘返」。參觀完書房后, 大衆一同來到茶房茶叙。 如觀住持和開印阿闍黎雖是初次見面,然而兩人都是出生於馬來西亞,則更添了一份親切感。二位長老各自分享了辦學弘道之點滴以及在美生活之趣事;更不忘勉勵在場的後學,今生在聖道上繼續努力,生生世世在三寶中奉獻、學習。

翌日下午一點禪舍僧衆拜訪美國法雲寺禪學院南院( Institute for Buddhist Studies Fa Yun Monastery -South Campus)。住持智悅法師親切地接待了僧衆一行。智悅法師先帶領大家向學院往届院長:玅鏡長老以及道海律師頂禮以及上香。接著,相識三十多年的「老朋友」開印阿闍黎和性空長老歡喜相見。 此次,性空長老應美國居士及團體的邀請, 前來指導一系列禪修課程。得知此事,禪舍僧衆也是特意前來頂禮長老。最後,長老和阿闍黎與禪學院住眾以及居士親切法談。席間,兩位善知識回答了在場大衆所提出的問題。 開印阿闍黎也分享了些許在緬甸的參學經歷以及深入經藏、止觀的心得體會。衆聞之,法喜充滿。

花圃擋邊 Garden Edging

We added edging to the front yard garden today, to keep the soil and mulch back. Lacking a proper digging shovel, we used a thick drill to break down the hard soil. A hand trowel was then used to remove the soil and finish the trench. Finally, used bricks from a send-hand market were laid out onto the trench neatly. A simply and practical edging was achieved.

週日出坡 Sunday Chore


Some window frames in the monastery has weathered through years of rain and snow, with localized peeling paint and some minor damage. The residents in the monastery, together with a volunteer, started to maintain these frames on Sunday, our regular Chore Day. After some work of sanding, staining and painting, the frame look as good as new, at the same time shimmering with some vintage charm.Our mind, like this house, undergo downfalls inevitably in the storms of life. However, if we can address it before problem grow big, with constant maintenance, it will shine with the charm of the Dhamma.



September 5th 2021. A few dharma friends gathered for dharma discussions, Chinese tea tasting and food offerings to the Sangha in Santa Monastery, Denver. After lunch, questions were put forward to Acariya Kaiyin one after another, from the key to enlightenment to the way to turn knowledge of the dharma into experience. Acariya Kaiyin’s responses left everyone with much food for thought, thus drawing the bountiful feast to an end.

文:禪曦比丘尼 | 圖: Sacca




14th of July. The morning saw a warm sunshine with pleasant breezes. Acariya Kaiyin went visiting the Denver Temple with residents of Santa Monastery in order to partake in a Chinese calligraphy gathering. Due to the pandemic, the participants include but Thera Jiejing, Abbot of the Denver Temple, Acariya Kaiyin from Santa Monastery, and the other two calligraphers, Zhiping Zhang and Chuanhai Zheng.
White Tea from Fujian Province, home town of Thera Jiejing, was made to welcome all visitors, while Alishan Tea from Taiwan was also brought by Zhiping Zhang to share among all. During the tea time, calligraphers exchanged their works as gifts to one another. What followed was the live calligraphy writing in the front bower. The whole event drew to an end with a Zen sentence written by Thera Jiejing: “Snow flakes fall upon nowhere else each and every.” All look forward to the next gathering for more sharing.

文:禪曦法師  |  圖:開印阿闍梨、演陽



itipi so bhagavā arahaṃ sammāsambuddho vijjā-caraṇa-sampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisa-damma-sārathi satthā deva-manussānaṃ buddho bhagavā’ti.

文: 緯琳


四月的佛隨念網絡禪修班課程一共有六堂課,一星期一次。阿闍梨每個星期五上課講解兩項功德,即是:1. 阿羅漢,2. 正遍知、明行足,3. 善逝、世間解,4. 無上士調御丈夫、天人師,5. 佛、世尊,6. 最後一堂課以“如來” 作總結。每堂課開始,先由禪真法師領導大家攝心靜坐。從身體姿式,呼吸,放鬆,到如何出靜,利用身念處學習如何專注所緣。這對初學者有極大的幫助,對有些禪修經驗的學者也有複習的好處。




“Acariya Kaiyin emphasized the importance of recollecting not just the name, but also the meaning behind each of the merits. He presented related discourses, commentaries and sub-commentaries with great care and thoroughness to shed light on ancient Pali texts on each epithet, such that participants could get through to the meaning of the merits.”

Earlier this year, Acariya Kaiyin led two online Introduction to Meditation sessions, in which he outlined two different meditation subjects. During the session-Recollection of the Buddha, Acariya Kaiyin briefly presented the merits of the Buddha embodied in Buddha’s ten epithets. The warm reception of these introductory meditation sessions prompted the Santa Monastery to consider leading a more structured meditation class dedicated to an in-depth explanation of the Buddha’s merits. Since February this year, a coordinating group for such a purpose was formed. Group members met regularly over the ensuing weeks to plan and prepare the content and format of the class. Transforming restrictions on in-person meetings into an opportunity, they conceived turning participants’ living rooms and studies into one vast online meditation hall, over the internet. Utilizing modern technology, they organized Santa Monastery’s first online mediation class on the Recollection of the Buddha.

Over each of the six weekly sessions of the Recollection of the Buddha Meditation, every Friday afternoon from mid-April, Acariya Kaiyin explained in detail on average two different merits of the Buddha each week. They are, namely, Arahant in session 1, Perfectly Enlightened and Accomplished in True Knowledge and Conduct in session 2, Fortunate and Knower of the World in session 3, Unsurpassed Leader of Persons to be Tamed and Teacher of Devas and Humans in session 4, The Enlightened One and the Blessed One in session 5, culminating in Tatāgatha in the final session. Acariya Kaiyin emphasized the importance of recollecting not just the name, but also the meaning behind each of the merits. He presented related discourses, commentaries and sub-commentaries with great care and thoroughness to shed light on ancient Pali texts on each epithet, such that participants could get through to the meaning of the merits. These PowerPoint slides were then shared with participants for revision after each session.

What is also remarkable about this online meditation class is its practical aspect. Each weekly session began with Venerable Chanzhen leading participants to sit for around 15 minutes to collect the scattered mind. From sitting posture, breathing, letting go of tensions, to how to emerge from meditation, Venerable Chanzhen shared all sorts of tips on how to establish good meditation techniques and how to focus on meditation subjects using mindfulness of the body. When participants practiced every day as part of the class activities, both novice and seasoned meditation practitioners alike found these reminders greatly helpful. They practiced recollecting the merits of the Buddha for at least 30 minutes per day, noting their experience, challenges, concerns and progress, and shared with Acariya through an online portal. Acariya set aside half an hour each week to address such challenges and concerns and made recommendations. Such an intensive 6-week training proves to be greatly beneficial and inspirational to practitioners in cultivating mindfulness in their daily rituals.

Over 200 individuals registered for this online Recollection of the Buddha meditation class. Every Friday, around 170 participants logged in from various parts of Asia, Europe and North America. The successful organization and hosting of this online class could not be completed without the active coordination and support of many volunteers from the United States, Canada, China and Singapore. To all of them, and to all monastics and lay followers who participated in this online class, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your contribution and support. May your wholesome deeds be deposited in your stream of consciousness leading to the path of enlightenment.

《巴利註釋的重要性》The Importance of Pāli Commentaries

日期 : 2021年6月11日
地點 :美國寂靜禪舍
主講 :菩提長老
講次 :1 講


菩提長老著作、編譯、編輯上聲譽卓著,出版過許多重要作品,包括上座部佛教四部阿含尼柯耶,《經集》及其注釋等等。其在翻譯佛教經典(巴利文翻英文)著作上的成就,被許多佛教信徒尊稱為「西方的玄奘法師」。菩提長老亦是全球佛教救濟會(Buddhist Global Relief)的創始人,和他的學生及其他熱心人士一起在社會公益事業上默默耕耘。

Date : 11 June 2021
Venue :Santa Monastery
Speaker :Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi
No. of session:1

The 2021 Summer Sutta Class of Santa Monastery is very hornoured to have Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi to give us a special talk in our first class on June 11, 2021, with the subject “The Importance of Pāli Commentaries”. In this short 1h talk, Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi introduced the development stages of Pāli Commentaries, its important interpretation functions as well as its distinct features.

Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is very well known as an author, translator and editor, having many important publications such as the translating and/or editing the translation of the Four Nikayas, the Suttanipāta and its commentaries. Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is regarded by many Buddhists as the Master Xuan-Zang in the West. Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is also the founder of the Buddhist Global Relief, together with his students and others, devoting their time and skills to various social causes.

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