禪舍的茶罐架 Santa Monastery’s Tea Jar Shelf

Santa Monastery has recently made a tea jar shelf completely from recycled cardboards. Waste was reduced and one useful thing was made.

步驟 How-to:
1. 剪切所需的形狀和尺寸 Cutting out the desired shape and size;

2. 製作加固的擱板 Making the reinforced shelves;

3. 用回收的已起皺的家具包裝紙包好所有的部件 Wrapping all pieces with recycled and already corrugated furniture wrapping paper;

4. 安裝支撐部件 Adding supporting elements;

5. 組裝 Assembling.

製作加固的擱板 Making the reinforced shelves

成品 Finished product


2019年1月27日,在農曆新年即將到來之際,阿闍梨應時,從《吉祥經》中抽取七個偈頌為大家開示《獲得幸福的密碼 —— 吉祥經》。活動假西雅圖樂敘之家的文化館舉行,有大約十幾位佛友參加。



文:釋禪真 / 圖:釋禪真、靜洵

阿闍梨於柏林自由大學簡介「佛教的禪修」Introducing Buddhist Meditation at the Free University of Berlin


Acariya Kaiyin arrived in Berlin to begin the final leg of his German trip. On Nov 19, 2018, he delivered a dhamma talk on Buddhist Meditation at the Free University of Berlin. 繼續閱讀▸ “阿闍梨於柏林自由大學簡介「佛教的禪修」Introducing Buddhist Meditation at the Free University of Berlin”